Coil Master

Coils Have Never Been So Easy

We live in a wonderful era. You can order coffee off the internet, you can deposit a check with your phone, and now, you can have an ingenious little machine build your coil for you.

The coil master makes coil-building easier than getting out of bed. You choose the appropriately sized tool, slide your coil through a hole, and simply turn the device as many times as you want your coil to be wrapped. It comes out perfectly aligned every time. With options for any diameter of wrap, from 1.5mm to 4mm, the coil master is super simple and super versatile.

Product Features:

  • 1 Base
  • 6 Coiling poles (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0mm diameter)
  • 3 top covers